Sunday, February 9, 2014

Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa

Nickname: Mission in the Valley of the Bears- built September 1st, 1712, 5th mission.


"It was big and fun, and the ceiling of the church was neat."

Special Attractions

  • Amazing historical museum with clothes, saddles, even Chinese Central Valley historical artifacts.
  • Unique belfry among the missions.
  • L shaped chapel.
Significant Events
  • Was the stage for the famous bear hunt in 1772 that saved the missions from starvation.
Interesting Facts
  • It has a choir loft.
  • The doors had holes for cats to go through.
  • Lost its mission affiliation in 1844 due to disrepair and was declared a pueblo until the Lincoln patents "freed" the missions and returned them to catholic ownership.
Don't Miss

The most beautiful painted decorations in the chapel and on the ceiling.

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