Monday, February 10, 2014

Mission San Carlos Borromeo

Nickname: The Carmel Mission, June 3rd, 1770, 2nd mission.


"Neat that Fr. Serra is buried here."
"Liked the double crosses."

Special Attractions:
  • Father Junipero Serra is buried here, and this is where he lived and headquartered the missions.
Significant Events:
  • 1834 the roof collapsed and a peaked roof was installed. The in 1884 the roof was restored to the original flat design.
  • Pope John Paul II was here in 1987.
Interesting Facts:
  • Doesn't have wall paintings inside the main chapel like the other missions do.
  • Has the library of the first college in California.
  • The double cross, cruz de caravaca, was found in Fr. Serra's grave.
Don't Miss:

The 18th century Italian nativity scene.

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