Friday, February 7, 2014

Introduction Letter

Introduction Letter

Hey All,

Some of you have requested info on the trip Connor and I are taking to see all 21 California missions in 7 days, some of you are probably thinking, "what are you talking about, fill me in from the beginning..." So here goes, the FAQ you always wanted to know (or didn't :-)  about our trip next week:

What are you doing?

We are traveling up the state to see 21 California missions in 7 days.  We have to see three a day in order to get all this accomplished in a week.

Why would you do this again?

Connor is in 4th grade this year and 4th grade is the year of California history.  The missions are a part of the curriculum, but just between you and me, they are really really cool.  We thought it would be a lot of fun!

The Complete History/Social Studies State Standards may be found at the California Department of Education's website:
4th Grade Standards
4.2 Students describe the social, political, cultural, and economic life and interactions among people of California from the pre-Columbian societies to the Spanish mission and Mexican rancho periods.

Does Connor have to do this for school?

Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Manthe are probably laughing hysterically at this question.  No, we don't have to do it for school (though I think they are both really impressed!)  It will be cool for Connor to present to his classmates though.

How far are you going?

The furthest is San Fransisco De Solano in Sonoma, about an hour north of San Fransisco.

How can I follow your progress?

Are you on Facebook?  We will be posting updates several times daily to both our blog and Facebook.  The blog address is:
The site is up and running, but it will be too challenging to build a website while traveling without a laptop.

Wait, silly question, why no laptop?

Mine lives at work now, and I haven't gotten around to getting another one :-)

How far apart are the missions?

That is one of the things we are going to determine, but it appears to be between 30-50 miles apart.

What happens if you miss one?

We won't miss one... We are the definition of hard core!  Plus, there is no time to catch up... It will be 7 days of booking it!  Here is the link to the schedule on our blog:

What happens if we want to meet up with you? 

The schedule has posted the approximate time we will be at each mission.  Please join us, but know we will only be able to spend about an hour at each in order to see them all.

We can't wait to tell you all about it!  Join us at the last one, Mission San Diego De Alcala on the 15th of February at 9am and help us bring it all to a close.

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