Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mission Nuestra Señora de la Soledad

Nickname: California's Sorrowful Mission, built October 9th, 1791, 13th mission.


"Can explore a lot of cool artifacts that are well preserved."

Special Attractions:
  • First mission to replant an olive grove from 200 year old cuttings from La Purisima.
Significant Events:
  • Destroyed by floods in 1828.
Interesting Facts:
  • Supplies all the oil for sacraments for the diocese of Monterey.
  • Was sold to the Soberanes family for $800.
  • Father Vincente de Sarria starved to death at this mission, and was found in 1835, the year of the mission's secularization.
Don't Miss:

The excellent informational museum and the exploring the grounds.

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